Saturday, September 14, 2024

Dec{}de 2024: Fusion Forward Experience

Once again we've been lucky to be invited to this years Decode, the annual cybersecurity conference sponsored by Trend Micro. Three ICS faculty members were able to attend this year's conference. I attended the talks on AI/ML-related topics. It is very interesting to learn how AI/ML can aid in improving malware analysis, threat intelligence, and other cybersecurity related tasks. The keynote by Robert McArdle was excellent as well as the locknote...

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Dec{}de 2023: Resilience Rising Experience

Trend Micro's annual cybersecurity conference DEC{}DE is in person again this year with the theme "Resilience Rising".  ICS have participated in this free conference in the past. This year, there were 8 participants from ICS. In addition to the main security tracks, we also attended the Cybersecurity ConnectED event where Trend Micro presented how academic institutions can partner with them to bootstrap or enhance cybersecurity courses. We sure...

Sunday, May 14, 2023

MS Computer Science (MSCS) program at UPLB (Part 1)

(Last update: 19 January 2024)If you are considering applying to the Master's Degree in Computer Science program at UPLB, here are some things you might want to know based on my experience and observations.Who should take this degree program?"The Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS) degree program addresses the need for advanced formal training of professional leaders in Computer Science. Candidates are expected to acquire a broad knowledge...

Sunday, March 19, 2023

How to succeed in group programming projects?

Group programming projects will test a student's technical skills and ability to work in a team. This post will discuss how to succeed in group programming projects. The Answer: Choose an excellent group leader!In group projects, the role of the group leader is very important. Although technical expertise is a desired quality for a group leader, leadership skills, project management skills, and communication skills are more important to ensure...

Thursday, November 24, 2022

UPLB Student Registration Systems: 1996-2022

(Please note that this post is just based on my recollection of events. Here's my 2012 post about UPLB student registration.)I have been part of UPLB for more than 20 years already, both as a student and as a faculty member. I have witnessed two main modes of the student enrollment (aka registration), manual and automated. In this post I'll try to discuss the different systems I observed and experienced. I will not be specific about dates since I...

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Thoughts on Learning and My Teaching Philosophy

I've been teaching in UPLB since 2002 (that's >20 years already!). I haven't really put into writing my thoughts about learning and my teaching philosophy.  Here are some items (which will be updated from time to time because things happen and change): Since this is UPLB, I assume that my students are really smart (but some will be "slow"). Of course, some students will be smarter than me. This is one reason I like teaching here.Since...